Our littlest scholars are off to an amazing start this school year. Preschool teacher, Mrs. Lambert, shares a peek into her classroom:
We are learning the Pennfield School song during Friday assembly and I’m starting to hear parts of the pledge. I’m so proud! We are saying goodbye to the letter A so we reviewed everything we learned the past two weeks. We know what it looks like, the sounds it makes, the sign, how to write it, words that begin with it, and the letter rhyme. Today was Friday fun fact day and we learned about air. We know it’s all around us, but we can’t see it. We know it’s there when it’s windy and it helps living things. We made hand fans to use so we could feel air. We painted styrofoam balls that we will turn into apples. We learned a new apple finger play too and the kids loved it. We tried tracing shapes and matching shapes. It was a hard activity. We had yoga class and did yoga poses to a song about an airplane. We did a short meditation and ended with our Wonder Box where we were told that we are special, smart and strong.
We have another busy week ahead!!