A Pride of Talent in Lion King NewsPhotos A Pride of Talent in Lion King Over 40 students in grades 2 through 8 worked together both onstage and behind the scenes to bring to life…pennfieldJune 7, 2016
Sailing Through Math & Science News Sailing Through Math & Science Sixth Grade students at The Pennfield School have had the exciting opportunity to participate in REACH, US Sailing’s STEM Education…pennfieldApril 20, 2016
2016 Spain Adventure Highlights News 2016 Spain Adventure Highlights Day 1 Hola, todos! After some tearful goodbyes at Logan and a long layover at JFK airport, we boarded our overnight Iberia…pennfieldMarch 26, 2016
Sustainability News in the Lower School News Sustainability News in the Lower School Hydroponics: Pennfield fifth graders have harvested their first crop of lettuce and basil grown with their new "Green Machine!" The…pennfieldMarch 20, 2016
Spanish in the 21st Century Workplace News Spanish in the 21st Century Workplace Upper School Spanish students recently participated in a video chat with Alex Perry, head of the Latin America division of…pennfieldFebruary 4, 2016